Extracts from Code of Conduct

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The Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics for Nurses

The Professional Code of Conduct and Ethics for Nurses makes it clear that respect for human rights – including the rights to life, dignity and respect- inherent in nursing. This code guides nurses in making professional decisions, carrying out their responsibilities and promoting high standards of professional conduct.

The Uganda Nurses and Midwives Council developed the code in 2000. The Council receives cases of noncompliance every year and these cases have become more frequent as of late. Although this may be partly attributed to increased public awareness of the patient’s rights, the rising number of complains may also imply that the nurses and midwives standards of health care delivery have been deteriorating. it is therefore important that all nurses and midwives understand their responsibilities in different situations in nursing practice. This Code will undergo future reviews as new developments emerge.

It should be noted that some nurses commit offences because they do not know that it is unethical to do so. The Code therefore provides an invaluable opportunity to increase nurses’ awareness about the need to comply with acceptable norms and standards for patients’ rights and human rights. The Code is not a substitute for the experience and integrity of a practicing nurse or midwife but it may serve as a reminder of the shared obligations and duties of all nurses.

The 2009 edition of the Code included sections outlining rewards for exhibiting good and ethical conduct, sanctions for noncompliance and examples of unprofessional and/or unethical conduct. Above all, it points to the obligation of the clients/patients in the health care process.

This is an essential reference document for all nurses and midwives and can be purchased from the Council for 3,000/=
